1/8/06 Sundays of Hope for 1/8--1/14/06
Janice wrote this as her introduction to the other campaign volunteers:
"I am from Connecticut, and am the mom of missing son William Smolinski Jr. He has been missing since August 24th 2004 and at the time of his disappearance he was 31 years old. Since day one, we have hit so many walls, been shunned, appeased, and passed on to the next official. We found almost no participation except for one caring officer, who could not do it all himself.
I come from a very close knit family and friends, so God has blessed us with many caring people that helped with the ground search, plus the cadaver dogs were called in by Billys sister, our only remaning child, Paula. There was no police involvement in any of these endeavors to try and find out what happened to Billy. Luminal test, DNA, and dental records were requested for and performed by the caring officer.

My husband, Bill Sr. and I have spoken with the Chief of Police, Mayor, States Attorney, our own Attorney General, FBI, whose remarks were "We are only homeland security-- local police will have to handle it in CT".
We have also contacted Senators director, state police different levels of authority,local news media, and local newspapers. All except for our own local newspaper did not take this situation seriously, and local television stations had minimal coverage.
To this day we continue, always to trying find the right official to help with our missing loved one. Billy was a caring person, NO alcohol, No drugs, and no police arrests. He was a hard working individual maintaining two jobs.
I feel we need desperate changes in this country and when I saw the wonderful things Kelly is trying to achieve, I feel compelled to get involved so others may not have to endure the uncaring treatment given by the authorities and others of influence.
Every person is God's child and there should be NO exception, ALL efforts must be taken immediately and maybe the outcome in these situations could turn out to be happy endings for the families of missing loved ones. Kelly, thank you for building the foundation so we can grasp on, give it our all, link all our states together with a common goal. This is a serious matter lets join hands, things can be accomplished in numbers. It can be done!!"
Billy's missing and physical data:
Name: William Paul Smolinski, Jr.
Classification: Endangered Missing Adult
Alias / Nickname: Bill, Billy
Date of Birth: 1973-01-14
Date Missing: 2004-08-24
From City/State: Waterbury, CT
Missing From (Country): USA
Age at Time of Disappearance: 31
Gender: Male
Race: White
Height: 71 inches
Weight: 200 pounds
Hair Color: Lt. Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Medium
Identifying Characteristics:
Pierced left ear, tattoo of a blue "cross" with an orange outline on left shoulder, tattoo of a blue "cross" with the name "Pruitt" in the cross on right forearm, bowlegged.
Small diamond earring worn in left ear, rope style gold chain necklace with a gold "cross" pendent.
Circumstances of Disappearance:
Unknown. William was last seen at his residence in the vicinity of the 100 block of Holly St. in Waterbury, CT. All of his personal belongings were left behind.
Investigative Agency:
Waterbury Police Department
Phone: (203) 574-6941
Investigative Case #: 04-71025
Billy's website: http://smolinski.4ourangel.com/
A printable poster can be found here:
More news about Billy is on our forum:
Sundays of Hope is a weekly prayer campaign for the missing. The week of universal prayer for the featured person extends from Sunday-Saturday. We encourage you to get involved with your worship community, prayer group, other club or organization. Print posters from the link provided and make available to interested persons in your group. Let us know that your worship community or other group is participating by sending an email to sundaysofhope@projectjason.org
Please include the name of your church or group, the city, and the state. Thank you.
I pray for many blessings for you. I hope God sends Billy
back to you soon. He sounds like such a good person. I read about him on Websleuth and then on his website.(Coincidentally, I once had a beautiful, beloved dog named "Harley", also--so I felt a special connection}. After I write this comment, I'm going to read about your petition and sign it. God Bless you
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