12/27/05 A Christmas Star
A Christmas Star

The woman looked out the window and her gaze rested upon the twinkling lights of the neighbor’s Christmas tree. She smiled as she recalled a Christmas that seemed like a lifetime ago. She could see herself back then, all those years ago, almost as if she was watching a movie. Her hair now had subtle streaks of gray and her face showed lines that represented the passing of time and life’s tribulations.
She sat back down and allowed the movie to play in her mind’s eye. She saw a young woman with two active boys, preparing for the family’s Christmas holiday. The children were underfoot as she decorated the home and the tree. The boys’ faces glowed with excitement as the tree came to life and was lit for the first time. She wrapped the gifts, taking care that each present would bring joy to the recipient. She worked through the day and long into the night to make sure everything would be ready for the big day. She hadn’t yet taken the time to reflect upon the significance of the day itself. Midnight came and went. The woman grew weary and still had much to do.
She was glad that the children were fast asleep, as she knew that had they been awake and seeking her attentions, she would have a difficult time in meeting their needs. She wished her work was done, so that she could crawl under the warm covers of her bed. Christmas seemed like such a chore with all of the extra obligations that it presented. It seemed more like a day to get through rather than a day to relish. She wished it weren’t that way, but she seemed to be resigned to that fact.
She donned her coat and gloves to go out into the bitter cold to take the wrappings out to the garbage so that the children wouldn’t see the evidence that Santa was very close by year around. She would have much preferred to skip this chore, but it had to be done. The intense cold permeated through each layer of clothing the instant she stepped outdoors. Her step quickened and she kept her head down as she made her way through the back yard.
She then noticed a very bright light that penetrated the cold, still darkness of that night. She had not turned on any outside lights, so she sought out the source of the intense illumination. She saw it just as she walked by the garage and past the trees that blocked her view of the night sky.
There, in the heavens, was a huge star, unequaled in brightness by any other star in the pitch black sky. The woman stopped and stared, no longer feeling the brunt of the cold wind that blew. In fact, she would have described that moment as one in which she felt radiating warmth that defied all the laws of nature. She was transported back in time without going anywhere at all simply by gazing at the star.

She could see the weary travelers as they ventured far and deep into a foreign land to look upon the face of a newborn child. She could see the parents of the infant watching over Him, perhaps not yet fully understanding the significance of the event of His birth to the entire universe, past, present, and future. The face of the child radiated pure love. She saw the greatest love the world has ever known, or will know.
The woman reflected upon the revelation that our God would love us so much that He would come to us as a helpless human child. Her heart warmed at that simple, yet powerful thought. It was hard for her to avert her eyes from the beauty of the star and return to the house. It only had taken just a moment in time, but the vision stirred within her and brought to light the true meaning of the season. Love is the reason, and nothing else matters; not the trimmings, festive decorations, nor the feasts galore, only love.
The older woman sat back in her chair, reflecting on that night so many years distant. The love that radiated forth had not dimmed and the knowledge of the true reason for the season still remained close in her heart. Another Christmas had arrived, bringing with it all the joys of this life and the love of a newborn child, the Saviour, Christ the Lord.
Kelly, This is really beautiful. Such sweet and perfect sentiment for this Christmas season. Thank you for shating your heart with us. Judy D
What a beautiful story! I will say it again, you were born to write! You have such a way of drawing a reader directly into the feelings which you are expressing!
Thank you for such a beautiful and heartwarming look at His birth and what it means!
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