12/7/05 First Photos of Erik with Update

I know that so many of you have Erik Buran in your heart. Here are some photos of him taken since the reunion. Enjoy!
Updated, 12:30am: I just hung up the phone from talking with Robert and Erik. Everything is going fine. Robert's apartment is a bit chaotic right now as Erik renews discovery of all of his old toys, and some new ones, too.
Robert was impressed with Erik's memory. 8 months ago, before the nightmare began, Robert gave Erik a toy boat and told him that it was an "amphibious vehicle". Tonight, Erik found the boat, and said: "Look, it's my amphibious vehicle!"
I asked Robert about the look on Erik's face in the 2 very expressive photos here. He explained that he was having Erik tell stories to bring out his many faces. And, of course, they told stories about trains!
Erik wanted to talk to me. I asked Robert how he had explained to him who I was. So, in "Erikspeak", I am a girl who cared alot about where Erik was and became friends with his daddy. He showed Erik the blog, but Erik was not impressed. He'd rather play with daddy than look at images on a screen. So, Erik came on the phone and I asked him what was the very best thing he had done all day. He wasn't able to pinpoint this, but instead told me 3 very powerful words: "I love you." It took me a few seconds to recover from what I heard. "I love you, too," I said in reply.
I had hoped and prayed for someone out there to have a miracle in time for Christmas. I never thought I'd be talking to him. I am blessed.

Links to other stories about Erik:
AWESOME!!! Welcome home, little guy!
I am crying tears of joy!!! What a long, sad trip it's been to end in such happiness for all. I can only wish for it to happen for others missing their loved ones. Boy what a Christmas present that would be and, my dad would be the best of all!
Oh and by the way.......he IS "the cutest little boy". Robert you are so blessed!
What a handsome little man. What a gift Robert has been blessed with. Can't even begin th express the words of joy and happiness of this tremendous outcome of this story.
I am so happy. Tears stream down my face and it is because of this happiness. I have periodically checked in on this case and have followed the desperate roller coaster that has been taken by so many, caring and hoping for this little boy.
Thank you God for delivering him home safely. And although, as a complete stranger to those involved, I am still thankful for everyone and everything that was done to produce a miracle.
Now, that's what we all like to see.....a happy, smiling little guy who is glad to be back home!!
Now, that's what we all like to see.....a happy, smiling little guy who is glad to be back home!!
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