1/28/06 New Cases This Week

DOB: Mar 30, 1976
Missing: May 9, 1994
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Eyes: Brown
Race: Black
Age Now: 29
Sex: Female
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
Hair: Black
Missing From:PINE BLUFF, AR
Cleashindra was last seen at approximately 10:30pm on May 9, 1994. She was wearing a two piece short set with navy blue stripes and polka dots, white cosk, and white tennis shoes. She has a surgical scar behind her right knee and one of her front teeth is slightly chipped.
Arkansas Missing Children Services Program
Office of the Attorney General
323 Center St., Ste. 200
Little Rock, AR 72201
501-682-1020 or 1-800-448-3014
OR the Pine Bluff Police Department 501-543-5100
Family Website: http://www.arwar.org/Cleashindra_Hall.html
From the website:
"The circumstances of Clea's disappearance are suspicious. She was last seen by her employer, Dr.Larry Amos, who's office is located in his home at 5309 Faucet Road, Pine Bluff, AR. Clea called her mother at around 8pm too check in. She told her mom that she would call her when her shift was over so that her mother could pick her up. The call never came. Her mother phoned Larry Amos and was told that Clea left work at approximately 8:30pm when her ride arrived but he didn't see who she supposedly left with. She was not a troubled teen and all was well within the family. Clea was excited about her upcoming prom, graduation, and college. She was ranked number one in her class and was scheduled to give the commencement address at her graduation which was just a few weeks away. She is NOT a runaway.
It has been 10 years since her disappearance but her family has remained diligent in their search. Every month they publish her photograph in the local paper and plead for information. She is so loved and so very missed by her parents and brothers. It is so heart breaking that such a beautiful, intelligent, young woman is lost to us. It is not only a loss for this family but for the entire community. Clea deserves justice. Someone, some where knows where she is. Someone, somewhere has information that may help this grieving family. Someone, somewhere has the courage and the strength to come forward. Please contact us with ANY information, even if it seems trivial it could be a piece of the puzzle. Grant this family and community peace. We need your help."
More news and information on Clea as it becomes available:
Name: Kevin Daniel Elkins
Classification: Endangered Missing Adult
Alias / Nickname: Bird, Birdman
Date of Birth: 1961-12-06
Date Missing: 2005-09-14
From City/State: Eugene, OR Missing
From (Country): USA
Age at Time of Disappearance: 43

Gender: Male
Race: White
Height: 73 inches
Weight: 150 pounds
Hair Color: Sandy
Hair (Other): Curly.
Eye Color: Hazel
Complexion: Light
Glasses/Contacts Description: Possibly wearing glasses with plastic frames.
Identifying Characteristics: Tracheostomy scar on neck, gastrostomy scar at left side of torso, pierced left ear, previously fractured collarbone, previously fractured pelvis.
Circumstances of Disappearance: Unknown. Kevin was last seen at approximately 11:00am picking up his weekly money at the bank in the vicinity of 10th and Oak St. in Eugene, OR. He has a medical condition.
Investigative Agency:
Eugene Police Department
Phone: (541) 682-5111
Investigative Case #: 05-19335
More news and information on Kevin as it becomes available:
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